

Two Online Platforms That Will Change the Comics Industry

We have come up with an idea that is going to enable us to take this industry back from big coporations.


Enough Is Enough

This is a turning point for me. The comics industry needs to change.


The Story Manager

At the heart of designing a real-world adventure is the Story Manager.


The Haunting of Front Street

Find out about our proof of concept adventure that we have created down in Old Town Temecula, California.


Wonderland Adventures

Introducing our first line of adventures using the Waypointer technology.


And the Winner Is.... Unity.

After experimenting and trying different platforms, Unity has proven to be exactly what I need. Here's why.


The Birth of a Dream

I never stopped thinking about it, but I put it off until my 40's. Now it's time to realize my purpose.


The Monster Hunt

The first attempt to implement a mobile adventure was done on Halloween in 2019.


Appease the Beast

If storytelling means so much, then it has to take front and center. Find out what I decided to dedicate myself and my life to, on this day.