
Okay, Buxton Inn. Let’s Try This Again.

Published On: 5/14/2024

Okay, Buxton Inn. Let’s Try This Again.

I’m standing outside the Buxton Inn, and I can already feel it—the creeping sense that I’m about to do something embarrassingly stupid. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m standing on a public street corner, my hands shoved in my pockets like I’m trying to look casual, while my duct-taped EVP circuit dangles conspicuously at my side. Maybe it’s the fact that, despite my best efforts to blend in, I look like the kind of person who is absolutely up to something. Maybe I should have worn a powdered-blue crash test helmet to seal the deal.

I glance around. Yep. People are definitely watching.

This is new territory for me. Not just the whole "standing outside a haunted hotel looking shady" thing, but the entire “actively trying to catch something paranormal” thing. Last time, the universe threw me a curveball—I recorded something that shouldn’t have been there. But now? Now, I’m deliberately looking for something. Which, in my experience, is the fastest way to ensure absolutely nothing happens.

I hit record. I wait. I feel ridiculous.

At first, it’s kind of exciting. There’s an energy to the moment, like the world is holding its breath. I half expect something dramatic to happen—a whisper, a cold gust of air, a spectral hand reaching out to slap the recorder out of my grip. Instead, a guy in a hoodie walks by and gives me a look that says “Dude, are you okay?” before speed-walking into the night.

The minutes drag on. I check my watch. I listen. I hear…nothing.

No ghostly music. No strange whispers. No undeniable proof that I should keep doing this. Just the sound of my own breathing and the faint rustle of leaves. I should probably go home.

And yet, there’s something about standing here, feeling a little foolish, that keeps me rooted in place. Maybe this is just part of the deal—most of the time, nothing happens. But every once in a while, something does. And the only way to catch those moments is to keep showing up.

I sigh, pocket my circuit, and head back to my car. Fine, universe. You win this round. But I’ll be back. And next time, I’ll bring more duct tape.

01. About the Author

Jeremy Danger Dean

I ask too many questions, build too many weird devices, break too many rules and have an unhealthy habit of poking at the universe just to see if it pokes back. Paranormal mysteries, UFOs, cryptids, and experimental tech—if it’s bizarre, I’m probably out there trying to make sense of it (or at least make it weirder). Some people look for answers; I prefer running experiments and seeing what breaks first. If reality has rules, I’d like to have a word with the manager.

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