I Just Got Spanked by the Universe
What is it with life, anyway? Every time you think you have your life figured out, the universe slips you a mickey, you wake up with a hitch in your "giddyup" and you find yourself having to learn yourself all over again. Recently, I've realized that the sum of a few separate experiences in my life have totaled up to a wake-up call that I can no longer ignore.
When I was little, I was afraid of the dark. Even as late as the 6th grade, I had to figure out how I was going to cope with turning the lights off for bedtime. I think my biggest weapon against this fear was what my family kept telling me. "There is no such thing as monsters.", they said. Once that seed was planted, it was just a matter of growing that belief. No sweat.
Some 30 years later, and I'm finding myself securing the room before I turn the lights off before bed. There's no such thing as monsters, right? I'm not so sure anymore.
The Internet is saturated with AI-generated photos and videos of cryptids, alien and UAP (formerly referred to as "UFOs") sightings and even ghost phenomena. It makes it nearly impossible to take any of it seriously. But what if you realized one day that you, personally, have had enough unexplainable experiences to warrant a "WTF" tattoo?
I tell you these things not to convince you of anything. Truthfully, whether or not you believe in anything other than what you see makes no difference to me. The following examples are merely to demonstrate why my core foundation of beliefs is off-kilter, at best.
If you would have asked me five years ago if I believed people had super powers, I would have said "Of course! All you need to do is build a lightsaber and train with Yoda. Duh!" Yet, here I am, talking now about how I was in a relationship with someone that was able to take thoughts out of my mind and recite them to me. Things from my past, all with a central theme. The details aren't important, but the fact that she was able to tell me things that I never told a another living soul with impossible detail, well over 20 times in 4 years, was enough to make me realize that Professor X could have been inspired by a real person.
That's one.
Seven years ago, I witnessed a glowing object falling from the sky. The object split into 6 other objects and they stopped falling and all started moving in unison through the clouds until they disappeared. It was straight out of a movie.
That's two.
Most recently, after moving to Ohio a couple months ago, I made a video recording in front of a local Inn. Known for being a haunted hotel, I thought it would be a fun place to visit and take a friend. When I played the recording back, I found that there was an entire angelic-sounding soundtrack to my voiceover. I will be presenting this finding publicly in due time, but I was there. There was no music at the time. I've never been so sure of anything in my life. So, how can I explain this? I can't.
That's 3 too many.
I've heard plenty of stories about weird stuff that other people have experienced, but these things happened to ME. My world is turned upside and I need answers.
Are monsters real? I don't know, anymore. But I've been an engineer for over 20 years, been accused of practicing dangerous methods in the corporate sector and ultimately rejected by corporate America for not playing by the rules. The difference now is, my brain is scarier than anything I'm going to find in the dark.
It's time to get to work.